1 | rack (1.4.1) Rack provides a minimal, modular and adaptable interface for developing web applications in Ruby.... | 17,231,306 |
2 | activesupport (3.2.8) A toolkit of support libraries and Ruby core extensions extracted from the Rails framework. Rich ... | 14,857,613 |
3 | rake ( Rake is a Make-like program implemented in Ruby. Tasks and dependencies arespecified in standard ... | 14,775,442 |
4 | activerecord (3.2.8) Databases on Rails. Build a persistent domain model by mapping database tables to Ruby classes. S... | 12,759,779 |
5 | actionpack (3.2.8) Web apps on Rails. Simple, battle-tested conventions for building and testing MVC web application... | 12,551,914 |
6 | actionmailer (3.2.8) Email on Rails. Compose, deliver, receive, and test emails using the familiar controller/view pat... | 12,232,818 |
7 | activeresource (3.2.8) REST on Rails. Wrap your RESTful web app with Ruby classes and work with them like Active Record ... | 12,102,355 |
8 | rails (3.2.8) Ruby on Rails is a full-stack web framework optimized for programmer happiness and sustainable pr... | 11,780,719 |
9 | json (1.7.5) This is a JSON implementation as a Ruby extension in C. | 11,727,594 |
10 | mime-types (1.19) This library allows for the identification of a file's likely MIME content type. This is release ... | 11,477,148 |
11 | builder (3.1.3) Builder provides a number of builder objects that make creating structured data simple to do. Cu... | 10,875,602 |
12 | i18n (0.6.1) New wave Internationalization support for Ruby. | 10,494,077 |
13 | activemodel (3.2.8) A toolkit for building modeling frameworks like Active Record and Active Resource. Rich support f... | 9,979,564 |
14 | tzinfo (0.3.33) TZInfo is a Ruby library that uses the standard tz (Olson) database to provide daylight savings a... | 9,778,312 |
15 | erubis (2.7.0) Erubis is an implementation of eRuby and has the following features: * Very fast, almost thr... | 9,456,904 |
16 | rack-test (0.6.1) Rack::Test is a small, simple testing API for Rack apps. It can be used on its own or as a reusab... | 9,234,479 |
17 | mail (2.4.4) A really Ruby Mail handler. | 9,219,889 |
18 | polyglot (0.3.3) The Polyglot library allows a Ruby module to register a loader for the file type associated with... | 9,153,759 |
19 | arel (3.0.2) Arel is a SQL AST manager for Ruby. It 1. Simplifies the generation of complex SQL queries 2. Ad... | 9,145,349 |
20 | treetop (1.4.10) A Ruby-based text parsing and interpretation DSL | 9,088,013 |
21 | thor (0.16.0) A scripting framework that replaces rake, sake and rubigen | 8,845,773 |
22 | railties (3.2.8) Rails internals: application bootup, plugins, generators, and rake tasks. | 8,841,302 |
23 | multi_json (1.3.6) A gem to provide easy switching between different JSON backends, including Oj, Yajl, the JSON gem... | 8,091,272 |
24 | bundler (1.2.1) Bundler manages an application's dependencies through its entire life, across many machines, syst... | 7,599,212 |
25 | tilt (1.3.3) Generic interface to multiple Ruby template engines | 7,304,051 |
26 | rdoc (3.12) RDoc produces HTML and command-line documentation for Ruby projects. RDoc includes the +rdoc+ an... | 6,367,997 |
27 | nokogiri (1.5.5) Nokogiri (é¸) is an HTML, XML, SAX, and Reader parser. Among Nokogiri's many features is the ab... | 6,258,721 |
28 | rack-mount (0.8.3) A stackable dynamic tree based Rack router. | 6,086,782 |
29 | sprockets (2.6.0) Sprockets is a Rack-based asset packaging system that concatenates and serves JavaScript, CoffeeS... | 5,071,664 |
30 | rspec (2.11.0) BDD for Ruby | 4,966,127 |
31 | sass (3.2.1) Sass makes CSS fun again. Sass is an extension of CSS3, adding nested rules, variable... | 4,872,988 |
32 | net-ssh (2.6.0) Net::SSH: a pure-Ruby implementation of the SSH2 client protocol. It allows you to write programs... | 4,829,406 |
33 | rack-cache (1.2) Rack::Cache is suitable as a quick drop-in component to enable HTTP caching for Rack-based applic... | 4,719,831 |
34 | jquery-rails (2.1.3) This gem provides jQuery and the jQuery-ujs driver for your Rails 3 application. | 4,523,495 |
35 | diff-lcs (1.1.3) Diff::LCS is a port of Perl's Algorithm::Diff that uses the McIlroy-Hunt longest common subsequen... | 4,404,346 |
36 | sinatra (1.3.3) Sinatra is a DSL for quickly creating web applications in Ruby with minimal effort. | 4,330,793 |
37 | hike (1.2.1) A Ruby library for finding files in a set of paths. | 4,303,737 |
38 | addressable (2.3.2) Addressable is a replacement for the URI implementation that is part of Ruby's standard library. ... | 4,237,190 |
39 | rspec-core (2.11.1) BDD for Ruby. RSpec runner and example groups. | 4,172,111 |
40 | highline (1.6.15) A high-level IO library that provides validation, type conversion, and more for command-line inte... | 4,137,550 |
41 | rack-ssl (1.3.2) Rack middleware to force SSL/TLS. | 4,124,776 |
42 | rspec-expectations (2.11.3) rspec expectations (should[_not] and matchers) | 4,110,391 |
43 | rspec-mocks (2.11.3) RSpec's 'test double' framework, with support for stubbing and mocking | 4,098,675 |
44 | abstract (1.0.0) 'abstract.rb' is a library which enable you to define abstract method in Ruby. | 4,011,383 |
45 | haml (3.1.7) Haml (HTML Abstraction Markup Language) is a layer on top of XHTML or XML that's desi... | 4,007,195 |
46 | execjs (1.4.0) ExecJS lets you run JavaScript code from Ruby. | 3,874,290 |
47 | daemons (1.1.9) Daemons provides an easy way to wrap existing ruby scripts (for example a self-written server) t... | 3,831,000 |
48 | sqlite3 (1.3.6) This module allows Ruby programs to interface with the SQLite3 database engine (http://www.sqlite... | 3,768,728 |
49 | rest-client (1.6.7) A simple HTTP and REST client for Ruby, inspired by the Sinatra microframework style of specifyin... | 3,605,107 |
50 | ffi (1.1.5) Ruby-FFI is a ruby extension for programmatically loading dynamic libraries, binding functions wi... | 3,538,638 |
51 | coffee-script-source (1.3.3) CoffeeScript is a little language that compiles into JavaScript. Underneath all of th... | 3,509,211 |
52 | rubyzip (0.9.9) rubyzip is a ruby module for reading and writing zip files | 3,499,544 |
53 | uglifier (1.3.0) Ruby wrapper for UglifyJS JavaScript compressor | 3,465,187 |
54 | bcrypt-ruby (3.0.1) bcrypt() is a sophisticated and secure hash algorithm designed by The OpenBSD project for... | 3,435,781 |
55 | systemu (2.5.2) description: systemu kicks the ass | 3,415,879 |
56 | json_pure (1.7.5) This is a JSON implementation in pure Ruby. | 3,202,276 |
57 | sass-rails (3.2.5) Sass adapter for the Rails asset pipeline. | 3,190,159 |
58 | coffee-script (2.2.0) Ruby CoffeeScript is a bridge to the JS CoffeeScript compiler. | 3,088,249 |
59 | rspec-rails (2.11.0) RSpec for Rails | 3,087,291 |
60 | eventmachine (1.0.0) EventMachine implements a fast, single-threaded engine for arbitrary network communications. It's... | 3,023,841 |
61 | rubygems-update (1.8.24) RubyGems is a package management framework for Ruby. This gem is an update for the RubyGems soft... | 2,858,638 |
62 | net-ssh-gateway (1.1.0) A simple library to assist in establishing tunneled Net::SSH connections | 2,857,873 |
63 | coffee-rails (3.2.2) Coffee Script adapter for the Rails asset pipeline. | 2,838,885 |
64 | selenium-webdriver (2.25.0) WebDriver is a tool for writing automated tests of websites. It aims to mimic the behaviour of a ... | 2,800,596 |
65 | mysql2 (0.3.11) A simple, fast Mysql library for Ruby, binding to libmysql | 2,782,985 |
66 | mysql (2.8.1) This is the MySQL API module for Ruby. It provides the same functions for Ruby programs that the ... | 2,772,768 |
67 | journey (1.0.4) Journey is a router. It routes requests. | 2,741,786 |
68 | will_paginate (3.0.3) will_paginate provides a simple API for performing paginated queries with Active Record, DataMapp... | 2,697,592 |
69 | net-scp (1.0.4) A pure Ruby implementation of the SCP client protocol | 2,690,560 |
70 | uuidtools (2.1.3) A simple universally unique ID generation library. | 2,667,611 |
71 | childprocess (0.3.5) This gem aims at being a simple and reliable solution for controlling external programs running i... | 2,655,109 |
72 | devise (2.1.2) Flexible authentication solution for Rails with Warden | 2,615,325 |
73 | warden (1.2.1) Rack middleware that provides authentication for rack applications | 2,613,521 |
74 | term-ansicolor (1.0.7) Ruby library that colors strings using ANSI escape sequences | 2,454,716 |
75 | pg (0.14.1) Pg is the Ruby interface to the {PostgreSQL RDBMS}[http://www.postgresql.org/]. It works with {P... | 2,437,712 |
76 | capistrano (2.13.4) Capistrano is a utility and framework for executing commands in parallel on multiple remote machi... | 2,418,114 |
77 | xml-simple (1.1.1) A simple API for XML processing. | 2,361,690 |
78 | factory_girl (4.1.0) factory_girl provides a framework and DSL for defining and using factories ... | 2,338,429 |
79 | gherkin (2.11.2) A fast Gherkin lexer/parser based on the Ragel State Machine Compiler. | 2,279,697 |
80 | net-sftp (2.0.5) A pure Ruby implementation of the SFTP client protocol | 2,222,437 |
81 | sqlite3-ruby (1.3.3) This module allows Ruby programs to interface with the SQLite3 database engine (http://www.sqlite... | 2,142,551 |
82 | cucumber (1.2.1) Behaviour Driven Development with elegance and joy | 2,118,983 |
83 | fastthread (1.0.7) Optimized replacement for thread.rb primitives | 2,063,701 |
84 | httparty (0.9.0) Makes http fun! Also, makes consuming restful web services dead easy. | 2,042,246 |
85 | launchy (2.1.2) Launchy is helper class for launching cross-platform applications in a fire and forget manner. Th... | 2,002,701 |
86 | orm_adapter (0.4.0) Provides a single point of entry for using basic features of ruby ORMs | 1,981,564 |
87 | capybara (1.1.2) Capybara is an integration testing tool for rack based web applications. It simulates how a user ... | 1,962,024 |
88 | faraday (0.8.4) HTTP/REST API client library. | 1,920,469 |
89 | columnize (0.3.6) In showing a long lists, sometimes one would prefer to see the value arranged aligned in columns... | 1,911,532 |
90 | fastercsv (1.5.5) FasterCSV is intended as a complete replacement to the CSV standard library. It is significantly ... | 1,910,911 |
91 | multipart-post (1.1.5) Use with Net::HTTP to do multipart form posts. IO values that have #content_type, #original_file... | 1,878,860 |
92 | thin (1.5.0) A thin and fast web server | 1,867,576 |
93 | yajl-ruby (1.1.0) Ruby C bindings to the excellent Yajl JSON stream-based parser library. | 1,824,073 |
94 | paperclip (3.2.0) Easy upload management for ActiveRecord | 1,797,240 |
95 | crack (0.3.1) Really simple JSON and XML parsing, ripped from Merb and Rails. | 1,749,542 |
96 | hoe (3.1.0) Hoe is a rake/rubygems helper for project Rakefiles. It helps you manage, maintain, and release y... | 1,711,168 |
97 | bson (1.7.0) A Ruby BSON implementation for MongoDB. For more information about Mongo, see http://www.mongodb.... | 1,703,739 |
98 | mongo (1.7.0) A Ruby driver for MongoDB. For more information about Mongo, see http://www.mongodb.org. | 1,685,636 |
99 | redis (3.0.1) A Ruby client that tries to match Redis' API one-to-one, while still providing an idiomat... | 1,678,500 |
100 | oauth (0.4.7) OAuth Core Ruby implementation | 1,668,686 |
101 | hpricot (0.8.6) a swift, liberal HTML parser with a fantastic library | 1,665,579 |
102 | xpath (0.1.4) XPath is a Ruby DSL for generating XPath expressions | 1,662,144 |
103 | multi_xml (0.5.1) A gem to provide swappable XML backends utilizing LibXML, Nokogiri, Ox, or REXML. | 1,650,047 |
104 | database_cleaner (0.8.0) Strategies for cleaning databases. Can be used to ensure a clean state for testing. | 1,643,314 |
105 | newrelic_rpm ( New Relic is a performance management system, developed by New Relic, Inc (http://www.newrelic.co... | 1,594,522 |
106 | bson_ext (1.7.0) C extensions to accelerate the Ruby BSON serialization. For more information about BSON, see http... | 1,567,521 |
107 | therubyracer (0.10.2) Call javascript code and manipulate javascript objects from ruby. Call ruby code and manipulate r... | 1,497,641 |
108 | passenger (3.0.17) Easy and robust Ruby web application deployment. | 1,478,024 |
109 | "ruby-hmac (0.4.0) This module provides common interface to HMAC functionality. HMAC is a kind of ""Message Authentic..." | 1,465,845 |
110 | factory_girl_rails (4.1.0) factory_girl_rails provides integration between factory_girl and rails 3 (currently just auto... | 1,460,926 |
111 | mocha (0.12.5) Mocking and stubbing library with JMock/SchMock syntax, which allows mocking and stubbing of meth... | 1,443,899 |
112 | libv8 ( Distributes the V8 JavaScript engine in binary and source forms in order to support fast builds o... | 1,422,207 |
113 | bunny (0.8.0) A synchronous Ruby AMQP client that enables interaction with AMQP-compliant brokers. | 1,402,528 |
114 | rack-protection (1.2.0) You should use protection! | 1,369,433 |
115 | compass (0.12.2) Compass is a Sass-based Stylesheet Framework that streamlines the creation and maintainance of CSS. | 1,359,590 |
116 | hashie (1.2.0) Hashie is a small collection of tools that make hashes more powerful. Currently includes Mash (Mo... | 1,348,575 |
117 | chronic (0.8.0) Chronic is a natural language date/time parser written in pure Ruby. | 1,337,311 |
118 | rmagick (2.13.1) RMagick is an interface between Ruby and ImageMagick. | 1,319,050 |
119 | unicorn (4.3.1) \Unicorn is an HTTP server for Rack applications designed to only serve fast clients on low-laten... | 1,316,437 |
120 | aws-s3 (0.6.3) Client library for Amazon's Simple Storage Service's REST API | 1,276,904 |
121 | heroku (2.32.4) Client library and command-line tool to deploy and manage apps on Heroku. | 1,267,498 |
122 | excon (0.16.4) EXtended http(s) CONnections | 1,265,933 |
123 | oauth2 (0.8.0) A Ruby wrapper for the OAuth 2.0 protocol built with a similar style to the original OAuth gem. | 1,257,445 |
124 | chef (10.14.2) A systems integration framework, built to bring the benefits of configuration management to your ... | 1,222,926 |
125 | cucumber-rails (1.3.0) Cucumber Generator and Runtime for Rails | 1,216,134 |
126 | kgio (2.7.4) kgio provides non-blocking I/O methods for Ruby without raising exceptions on EAGAIN and EINPROGR... | 1,215,453 |
127 | RedCloth (4.2.9) Textile parser for Ruby. | 1,199,004 |
128 | rubyforge (2.0.4) A script which automates a limited set of rubyforge operations. * Run 'rubyforge help' for compl... | 1,188,650 |
129 | cascading.jruby (0.0.9) cascading.jruby is a small DSL above Cascading, written in JRuby | 1,159,093 |
130 | ansi (1.4.3) The ANSI project is a superlative collection of ANSI escape code related libraries enabling ANSI ... | 1,132,586 |
131 | ohai (6.14.0) Ohai profiles your system and emits JSON | 1,114,676 |
132 | cancan (1.6.8) Simple authorization solution for Rails which is decoupled from user roles. All permissions are s... | 1,112,382 |
133 | redis-namespace (1.2.1) Adds a Redis::Namespace class which can be used to namespace calls to Redis. This is useful when ... | 1,108,007 |
134 | mixlib-log (1.4.1) A gem that provides a simple mixin for log functionality | 1,069,339 |
135 | mixlib-cli (1.2.2) A simple mixin for CLI interfaces, including option parsing | 1,057,138 |
136 | fog (1.6.0) The Ruby cloud services library. Supports all major cloud providers including AWS, Rackspace, Lin... | 1,055,269 |
137 | linecache (0.46) LineCache is a module for reading and caching lines. This may be useful for example in a debugger... | 1,052,307 |
138 | mixlib-config (1.1.2) A class based config mixin, similar to the one found in Chef. | 1,048,426 |
139 | ZenTest (4.8.2) ZenTest provides 4 different tools: zentest, unit_diff, autotest, and multiruby. zentest scans y... | 1,042,070 |
140 | mongrel (1.1.5) A small fast HTTP library and server that runs Rails, Camping, Nitro and Iowa apps. | 1,041,906 |
141 | chunky_png (1.2.6) This pure Ruby library can read and write PNG images without depending on an external im... | 1,038,572 |
142 | open4 (1.3.0) description: open4 kicks the ass | 1,029,319 |
143 | rvm ( RVM ~ Ruby Environment Manager ~ Ruby Gem Library. | 1,020,042 |
144 | mixlib-authentication (1.3.0) Mixes in simple per-request authentication | 1,015,493 |
145 | gem_plugin (0.2.3) A plugin system based on rubygems that uses dependencies only | 1,012,619 |
146 | guard (1.3.3) Guard is a command line tool to easily handle events on file system modifications. | 989,982 |
147 | resque (1.22.0) Resque is a Redis-backed Ruby library for creating background jobs, placing those jobs on... | 989,386 |
148 | spork (0.9.2) A forking Drb spec server | 989,152 |
149 | archive-tar-minitar (0.5.2) Archive::Tar::Minitar is a pure-Ruby library and command-line utility that provides the ability t... | 983,194 |
150 | moneta (0.6.0) A unified interface to key/value stores | 981,568 |
151 | kaminari (0.14.1) Kaminari is a Scope & Engine based, clean, powerful, agnostic, customizable and sophisticated pag... | 979,539 |
152 | ruby-debug-base (0.10.4) ruby-debug is a fast implementation of the standard Ruby debugger debug.rb. It is implemented by ... | 979,236 |
153 | formtastic (2.2.1) A Rails form builder plugin/gem with semantically rich and accessible markup | 975,458 |
154 | vegas (0.1.11) Vegas aims to solve the simple problem of creating executable versions of Sinatra/Rack apps. It i... | 974,176 |
155 | coderay (1.0.7) Fast and easy syntax highlighting for selected languages, written in Ruby. Comes with RedCloth in... | 964,091 |
156 | cocaine (0.3.1) A small library for doing (command) lines | 958,259 |
157 | sexp_processor (4.0.1) sexp_processor branches from ParseTree bringing all the generic sexp processing tools with it. Se... | 956,301 |
158 | fssm (0.2.9) The File System State Monitor keeps track of the state of any number of paths and will fire event... | 955,725 |
159 | faker (1.1.2) Faker, a port of Data::Faker from Perl, is used to easily generate fake data: names, addresses, p... | 950,218 |
160 | daemon_controller (1.0.0) A library for robust daemon management. | 932,100 |
161 | ruby-debug (0.10.4) A generic command line interface for ruby-debug. | 920,749 |
162 | rcov (1.0.0) rcov is a code coverage tool for Ruby. | 918,568 |
163 | formatador (0.2.3) STDOUT text formatting | 911,734 |
164 | memcache-client (1.8.5) A Ruby library for accessing memcached. | 906,007 |
165 | ruby-openid (2.2.0) A library for consuming and serving OpenID identities. | 864,977 |
166 | webrat (0.7.3) Webrat lets you quickly write expressive and robust acceptance tests for a Ruby web application. ... | 864,798 |
167 | libxml-ruby (2.3.3) The Libxml-Ruby project provides Ruby language bindings for the GNOME Libxml2 XML toolkit... | 857,113 |
168 | ruby_parser (2.3.1) ruby_parser (RP) is a ruby parser written in pure ruby (utilizing racc--which does by default use... | 856,866 |
169 | raindrops (0.10.0) Raindrops is a real-time stats toolkit to show statistics for Rack HTTP servers. It is designed ... | 850,098 |
170 | net-ssh-multi (1.1) Control multiple Net::SSH connections via a single interface. | 846,776 |
171 | capistrano-ext (1.2.1) Useful task libraries and methods for Capistrano | 841,625 |
172 | delayed_job (3.0.3) Delayed_job (or DJ) encapsulates the common pattern of asynchronously executing longer tasks in t... | 829,942 |
173 | minitest (3.5.0) minitest provides a complete suite of testing facilities supporting TDD, BDD, mocking, and benchm... | 823,114 |
174 | macaddr (1.6.1) description: macaddr kicks the ass | 823,093 |
175 | configuration (1.3.2) description: configuration kicks the ass | 816,741 |
176 | right_http_connection (1.3.0) Rightscale::HttpConnection is a robust HTTP/S library. It implements a retry algorithm for low-l... | 816,140 |
177 | right_aws (3.0.4) == DESCRIPTION: The RightScale AWS gems have been designed to provide a robust, fast, and secure... | 805,424 |
178 | hoptoad_notifier (2.4.11) Send your application errors to our hosted service and reclaim your inbox. | 804,683 |
179 | uuid (2.3.5) UUID generator for producing universally unique identifiers based on RFC 4122 (http://www.ietf.or... | 798,024 |
180 | omniauth (1.1.1) A generalized Rack framework for multiple-provider authentication. | 789,197 |
181 | cgi_multipart_eof_fix (2.5.0) Fix an exploitable bug in CGI multipart parsing. | 786,380 |
182 | mongoid (3.0.6) Mongoid is an ODM (Object Document Mapper) Framework for MongoDB, written in Ruby. | 784,609 |
183 | authlogic (3.1.3) A clean, simple, and unobtrusive ruby authentication solution. | 783,840 |
184 | SystemTimer (1.2.3) Set a Timeout based on signals, which are more reliable than Timeout. Timeout is based on green t... | 772,050 |
185 | mechanize (2.5.1) The Mechanize library is used for automating interaction with websites. Mechanize automatically s... | 769,149 |
186 | Platform (0.4.0) Hopefully robust platform sensing | 756,424 |
187 | whenever (0.7.3) Clean ruby syntax for writing and deploying cron jobs. | 752,313 |
188 | libwebsocket (0.1.5) Universal Ruby library to handle WebSocket protocol | 748,706 |
189 | awesome_print (1.1.0) Great Ruby dubugging companion: pretty print Ruby objects to visualize their structure. Supports ... | 744,501 |
190 | sequel (3.39.0) The Database Toolkit for Ruby | 743,321 |
191 | shoulda (3.1.1) Making tests easy on the fingers and eyes | 741,578 |
192 | state_machine (1.1.2) Adds support for creating state machines for attributes on any Ruby class | 731,654 |
193 | turn (0.9.6) Turn provides a set of alternative runners for MiniTest, both colorful and informative. | 724,258 |
194 | httpclient (2.2.7) gives something like the functionality of libwww-perl (LWP) in Ruby | 721,479 |
195 | carrierwave (0.6.2) Upload files in your Ruby applications, map them to a range of ORMs, store them on different back... | 713,550 |
196 | ruby_core_source (0.1.5) Retrieve Ruby core source files | 710,780 |
197 | guard-rspec (1.2.1) Guard::RSpec automatically run your specs (much like autotest). | 703,447 |
198 | htmlentities (4.3.1) A module for encoding and decoding (X)HTML entities. | 698,673 |
199 | responders (0.9.2) A set of Rails 3 responders to dry up your application | 685,376 |
200 | extlib (0.9.15) Support library for DataMapper and Merb | 682,347 |
201 | pry (0.9.10) An IRB alternative and runtime developer console | 675,089 |
202 | linecache19 (0.5.12) Linecache is a module for reading and caching lines. This may be useful for example in a debugger... | 660,410 |
203 | curb (0.8.1) Curb (probably CUrl-RuBy or something) provides Ruby-language bindings for the libcurl(3), a full... | 660,264 |
204 | foreman (0.60.0) Process manager for applications with multiple components | 658,450 |
205 | yard ( YARD is a documentation generation tool for the Ruby programming language. It enables the... | 655,252 |
206 | log4r (1.1.10) See also: http://logging.apache.org/log4j | 654,281 |
207 | net-ldap (0.3.1) Net::LDAP for Ruby (also called net-ldap) implements client access for the Lightweight Directory ... | 651,039 |
208 | simplecov (0.6.4) Code coverage for Ruby 1.9 with a powerful configuration library and automatic merging of coverag... | 649,780 |
209 | rdiscount (1.6.8) Fast Implementation of Gruber's Markdown in C | 648,792 |
210 | aws-sdk (1.6.6) AWS SDK for Ruby | 646,949 |
211 | rubygems-bundler (1.1.0) Stop using bundle exec. Integrate Rubygems and Bundler. Make rubygems generate bundler aware exec... | 642,813 |
212 | yui-compressor (0.9.6) A Ruby interface to YUI Compressor for minifying JavaScript and CSS assets. | 642,205 |
213 | culerity (0.2.15) Culerity integrates Cucumber and Celerity in order to test your application's full stack. | 635,022 |
214 | haml-rails (0.3.5) Haml-rails provides Haml generators for Rails 3. It also enables Haml as the templating engine fo... | 634,685 |
215 | inherited_resources (1.3.1) Inherited Resources speeds up development by making your controllers inherit all restful actions ... | 623,264 |
216 | twitter (3.7.0) A Ruby wrapper for the Twitter API. | 621,831 |
217 | data_objects (0.10.8) Provide a standard and simplified API for communicating with RDBMS from Ruby | 621,164 |
218 | rufus-scheduler (2.0.17) job scheduler for Ruby (at, cron, in and every jobs). | 613,829 |
219 | simplecov-html (0.5.3) Default HTML formatter for SimpleCov code coverage tool for ruby 1.9+ | 607,047 |
220 | slop (3.3.3) A simple DSL for gathering options and parsing the command line | 606,532 |
221 | has_scope (0.5.1) Maps controller filters to your resource scopes | 602,269 |
222 | puppet (2.7.19) Puppet, an automated configuration management tool | 599,888 |
223 | test-unit (2.5.2) Ruby 1.9.x bundles minitest not Test::Unit. Test::Unit bundled in Ruby 1.8.x had not been improve... | 590,106 |
224 | method_source (0.8) retrieve the sourcecode for a method | 587,496 |
225 | dm-core (1.2.0) Faster, Better, Simpler. | 579,045 |
226 | metaclass (0.0.1) Adds a metaclass method to all Ruby objects | 575,969 |
227 | dalli (2.2.1) High performance memcached client for Ruby | 572,740 |
228 | simple_form (2.0.2) Forms made easy! | 566,739 |
229 | jruby-openssl (0.7.7) JRuby-OpenSSL is an add-on gem for JRuby that emulates the Ruby OpenSSL native library. | 558,671 |
230 | airbrake (3.1.4) Send your application errors to our hosted service and reclaim your inbox. | 558,600 |
231 | stringex (1.4.0) Some [hopefully] useful extensions to Ruby's String class. Stringex is made up of three libraries... | 558,268 |
232 | hirb (0.7.0) Hirb provides a mini view framework for console applications and uses it to improve ripl(irb)'s d... | 556,657 |
233 | ci_reporter (1.7.2) CI::Reporter is an add-on to Test::Unit, RSpec and Cucumber that allows you to generate XML repor... | 553,945 |
234 | activemerchant (1.28.0) Active Merchant is a simple payment abstraction library used in and sponsored by Shopify. It is w... | 545,417 |
235 | POpen4 (0.1.4) Open4 cross-platform | 542,827 |
236 | braintree (2.17.0) Ruby library for integrating with the Braintree Gateway | 542,098 |
237 | typhoeus (0.4.2) Like a modern code version of the mythical beast with 100 serpent heads, Typhoeus runs HTTP reque... | 541,435 |
238 | rack-openid (1.3.1) Provides a more HTTPish API around the ruby-openid library | 537,637 |
239 | money (5.0.0) This library aids one in handling money and different currencies. | 536,593 |
240 | trollop (2.0) Trollop is a commandline option parser for Ruby that just gets out of your way. One line of code ... | 535,902 |
241 | ruby-debug-base19 (0.11.25) ruby-debug is a fast implementation of the standard Ruby debugger debug.rb. It is implemented by ... | 534,445 |
242 | "timecop (0.5.2) A gem providing ""time travel"" and ""time freezing"" capabilities, making it dead simple to test tim..." | 529,898 |
243 | rb-fsevent (0.9.2) FSEvents API with Signals catching (without RubyCocoa) | 529,314 |
244 | simple_oauth (0.1.9) Simply builds and verifies OAuth headers | 528,877 |
245 | "acts_as_list (0.1.8) This ""acts_as"" extension provides the capabilities for sorting and reordering a number of objects..." | 527,050 |
246 | webmock (1.8.10) WebMock allows stubbing HTTP requests and setting expectations on HTTP requests. | 525,603 |
247 | dm-migrations (1.2.0) DataMapper plugin for writing and speccing migrations | 523,885 |
248 | celerity (0.9.2) Celerity is a JRuby wrapper around HtmlUnit â a headless Java browser with JavaScript support. ... | 515,540 |
249 | ipaddress (0.8.0) IPAddress is a Ruby library designed to make manipulation \ of IPv4 and IPv6 addresse... | 510,237 |
250 | acts-as-taggable-on (2.3.3) With ActsAsTaggableOn, you can tag a single model on several contexts, such as skills, interests,... | 503,635 |
251 | spreadsheet (0.7.3) The Spreadsheet Library is designed to read and write Spreadsheet Documents. As of version 0.6.0,... | 497,821 |
252 | rbx-require-relative (0.0.9) Ruby 1.9's require_relative for Rubinius and MRI 1.8. We also add abs_path which is like __FILE... | 497,234 |
253 | less (2.2.2) Invoke the Less CSS compiler from Ruby | 497,029 |
254 | jammit (0.6.5) Jammit is an industrial strength asset packaging library for Rails, providing both the CS... | 493,886 |
255 | "friendly_id (4.0.8) FriendlyId is the ""Swiss Army bulldozer"" of slugging and permalink plugins for Ruby on Rails. It ..." | 490,080 |
256 | net-http-persistent (2.7) Manages persistent connections using Net::HTTP plus a speed fix for Ruby 1.8. It's thread-safe to... | 485,953 |
257 | git (1.2.5) Ruby/Git is a Ruby library that can be used to create, read and manipulate Git repositories by wr... | 483,551 |
258 | ruby-prof (0.11.2) ruby-prof is a fast code profiler for Ruby. It is a C extension and therefore is many times faste... | 483,331 |
259 | meta_search (1.1.3) Allows simple search forms to be created against an AR3 model and its associations, ... | 482,888 |
260 | riddle (1.5.3) A Ruby API and configuration helper for the Sphinx search service. | 482,005 |
261 | ruby-ole ( A library for easy read/write access to OLE compound documents for Ruby. | 479,080 |
262 | ruby-debug19 (0.11.6) A generic command line interface for ruby-debug. | 478,969 |
263 | mini_magick (3.4) Manipulate images with minimal use of memory via ImageMagick / GraphicsMagick | 476,485 |
264 | "bouncy-castle-java (1.5.0146.1) Gem redistribution of ""Legion of the Bouncy Castle Java cryptography APIs"" jars at http://www.bou..." | 475,691 |
265 | amqp (0.9.7) Widely used, feature-rich asynchronous AMQP 0.9.1 client with batteries included. | 469,842 |
266 | do_sqlite3 (0.10.8) Implements the DataObjects API for Sqlite3 | 466,227 |
267 | dm-do-adapter (1.2.0) DataObjects Adapter for DataMapper | 462,912 |
268 | facter (1.6.12) You can prove anything with facts! | 454,423 |
269 | fakeweb (1.3.0) FakeWeb is a helper for faking web requests in Ruby. It works at a global level, without modifyin... | 453,044 |
270 | faraday_middleware (0.8.8) Various middleware for Faraday | 451,891 |
271 | escape (0.0.4) ... | 448,694 |
272 | prawn (0.12.0) Prawn is a fast, tiny, and nimble PDF generator for Ruby | 443,713 |
273 | subexec (0.2.2) Subexec spawns a subprocess with an optional timeout | 442,603 |
274 | oa-core (0.3.2) Core strategies for OmniAuth. | 438,008 |
275 | spruz (0.2.13) All the stuff that isn't good/big enough for a real library. | 436,562 |
276 | geokit (1.6.5) Geokit provides geocoding and distance calculation in an easy-to-use API | 436,050 |
277 | savon (1.2.0) Delicious SOAP for the Ruby community | 433,391 |
278 | syntax (1.0.0) Syntax is Ruby library for performing simple syntax highlighting. | 433,062 |
279 | em-http-request (1.0.3) EventMachine based, async HTTP Request client | 428,263 |
280 | thinking-sphinx (2.0.13) A concise and easy-to-use Ruby library that connects ActiveRecord to the Sphinx search daemon, ma... | 420,763 |
281 | shoulda-matchers (1.3.0) Making tests easy on the fingers and eyes | 419,589 |
282 | oa-oauth (0.3.2) OAuth strategies for OmniAuth. | 418,817 |
283 | fattr (2.2.1) description: fattr kicks the ass | 418,568 |
284 | lockfile (2.1.0) description: lockfile kicks the ass | 415,147 |
285 | http_parser.rb (0.5.3) Ruby bindings to http://github.com/ry/http-parser and http://github.com/a2800276/http-parser.java | 415,034 |
286 | autotest (4.4.6) This is a stub gem to fix the confusion caused by autotest being part of the ZenTest suite. | 414,357 |
287 | wirble (0.1.3) Handful of common Irb features, made easy. | 405,505 |
288 | rsolr (1.0.8) RSolr aims to provide a simple and extensible library for working with Solr | 399,606 |
289 | fxruby (1.6.25) FXRuby is the Ruby binding to the FOX GUI toolkit. | 398,271 |
290 | httpi (1.1.1) HTTPI provides a common interface for Ruby HTTP libraries. | 395,789 |
291 | gemcutter (0.7.1) Provides the `gem yank` and `gem webhook` commands to RubyGems. | 395,372 |
292 | parallel (0.5.18) Run any kind of code in parallel processes | 393,534 |
293 | ruby-openid-apps-discovery (1.2.0) Extension to ruby-openid that enables discovery for Google Apps domains | 389,290 |
294 | jasmine (1.2.1) Test your JavaScript without any framework dependencies, in any environment, and with a nice desc... | 386,946 |
295 | bootstrap-sass ( Twitter's Bootstrap, converted to Sass and ready to drop into Rails or Compass | 382,223 |
296 | email_spec (1.2.1) Easily test email in rspec and cucumber | 379,569 |
297 | em-resolv-replace (1.1.3) EventMachine-aware DNS lookup for Ruby | 374,284 |
298 | dm-sqlite-adapter (1.2.0) Sqlite3 Adapter for DataMapper | 374,217 |
299 | closure-compiler (1.1.7) A Ruby Wrapper for the Google Closure Compiler. | 373,008 |
300 | rr (1.0.4) RR (Double Ruby) is a double framework that features a rich selection of double techniques and a ... | 372,164 |
301 | Ascii85 (1.0.2) Ascii85 provides methods to encode/decode Adobe's binary-to-text encoding of the same name. | 372,120 |
302 | sanitize (2.0.3) Whitelist-based HTML sanitizer. | 370,253 |
303 | ruby2ruby (1.3.1) ruby2ruby provides a means of generating pure ruby code easily from RubyParser compatible Sexps. ... | 369,820 |
304 | pdf-reader (1.2.0) The PDF::Reader library implements a PDF parser conforming as much as possible to the PDF specifi... | 364,354 |
305 | polyamorous (0.5.0) This is just an extraction from Ransack/Squeel. You probably don't want to use this dire... | 360,552 |
306 | babosa (0.3.8) A library for creating slugs. Babosa an extraction and improvement of the string code fro... | 356,569 |
307 | omniauth-oauth2 (1.1.1) An abstract OAuth2 strategy for OmniAuth. | 355,903 |
308 | "colored (1.2) >> puts ""this is red"".red >> puts ""this is red with a blue background (read: ugly)"".red_on_..." | 355,144 |
309 | ruby-progressbar (1.0.1) Ruby/ProgressBar is an extremely flexible text progress bar library for Ruby. The output can be c... | 353,348 |
310 | liquid (2.4.1) A secure, non-evaling end user template engine with aesthetic markup. | 353,153 |
311 | hmx_client (0.1.0) Gives a client the ability to interact fully with the API for HMX | 353,044 |
312 | guard-spork (1.2.0) Guard::Spork automatically manage Spork DRb servers. | 348,933 |
313 | jeweler (1.8.4) Simple and opinionated helper for creating Rubygem projects on GitHub | 345,101 |
314 | redcarpet (2.1.1) A fast, safe and extensible Markdown to (X)HTML parser | 343,469 |
315 | rubyntlm (0.1.1) Ruby/NTLM provides message creator and parser for the NTLM authentication. | 340,516 |
316 | gyoku (0.4.6) Gyoku converts Ruby Hashes to XML | 336,681 |
317 | rb-inotify (0.8.8) A Ruby wrapper for Linux's inotify, using FFI | 335,733 |
318 | pyu-ruby-sasl ( Simple Authentication and Security Layer (RFC 4422) | 333,543 |
319 | oa-openid (0.3.2) OpenID strategies for OmniAuth. | 333,151 |
320 | amazon-ec2 (0.9.17) A Ruby library for accessing the Amazon Web Services EC2, ELB, RDS, Cloudwatch, and Autoscaling A... | 332,656 |
321 | aasm (3.0.9) AASM is a continuation of the acts as state machine rails plugin, built for plain Ruby objects. | 331,458 |
322 | net-http-digest_auth (1.2.1) An implementation of RFC 2617 - Digest Access Authentication. At this time the gem does not drop... | 328,311 |
323 | aws (2.5.7) AWS Ruby Library for interfacing with Amazon Web Services including EC2, S3, SQS, SimpleDB and mo... | 320,253 |
324 | haml-edge (3.1.79) Haml (HTML Abstraction Markup Language) is a layer on top of XHTML or XML that's desi... | 318,618 |
325 | activerecord-jdbc-adapter (1.2.2) activerecord-jdbc-adapter is a database adapter for Rails\' ActiveRecord component that can be us... | 316,781 |
326 | webrobots (0.0.13) This library helps write robots.txt compliant web robots in Ruby. | 314,764 |
327 | commonjs (0.2.6) Host CommonJS JavaScript environments in Ruby | 314,435 |
328 | annotate (2.5.0) Annotates Rails/ActiveRecord Models, routes, fixtures, and others based on the database schema. | 313,507 |
329 | rspec-instafail (0.2.4) Show failing specs instantly | 313,032 |
330 | oa-enterprise (0.3.2) Enterprise strategies for OmniAuth. | 312,446 |
331 | oa-basic (0.3.2) HTTP Basic strategies for OmniAuth. | 311,379 |
332 | jwt (0.1.5) JSON Web Token implementation in Ruby | 311,131 |
333 | less-rails (2.2.3) The dynamic stylesheet language for the Rails asset pipeline. Allows other gems to extend Less lo... | 310,930 |
334 | dynamic_form (1.1.4) DynamicForm holds a few helper methods to help you deal with your Rails3 models. It includes the ... | 307,014 |
335 | six-updater-web (0.24.15) Your summary here | 306,106 |
336 | win32-api (1.4.8) The Win32::API library is meant as a replacement for the Win32API library that ships as p... | 306,033 |
337 | em-websocket (0.3.8) EventMachine based WebSocket server | 303,454 |
338 | file-tail (1.0.11) Library to tail files in Ruby | 301,217 |
339 | listen (0.5.2) The Listen gem listens to file modifications and notifies you about the changes. Works everywhere! | 299,653 |
340 | netrc (0.7.7) This library can read and update netrc files, preserving formatting including comments and whites... | 299,642 |
341 | god (0.13.1) An easy to configure, easy to extend monitoring framework written in Ruby. | 299,263 |
342 | taps (0.3.24) A simple database agnostic import/export app to transfer data to/from a remote database. | 296,250 |
343 | geoip (1.1.2) GeoIP searches a GeoIP database for a given host or IP address, and returns information about the... | 295,766 |
344 | flog (2.5.3) Flog reports the most tortured code in an easy to read pain report. The higher the score, the mor... | 293,561 |
345 | omniauth-facebook (1.4.1) Facebook strategy for OmniAuth | 291,142 |
346 | rmail (1.0.0) RMail is a lightweight mail library containing various utility classes and modules that allow rub... | 290,491 |
347 | mongo_mapper (0.12.0) A Ruby Object Mapper for Mongo | 288,211 |
348 | paper_trail (2.6.3) Track changes to your models' data. Good for auditing or versioning. | 285,949 |
349 | sunspot (1.3.3) Sunspot is a library providing a powerful, all-ruby API for the Solr search engine. Sunspot m... | 281,413 |
350 | blankslate (3.1.2) BlankSlate provides a base class where almost all of the methods from Object and Kernel have been... | 279,911 |
351 | dragonfly (0.9.12) Dragonfly is a framework that enables on-the-fly processing for any content type. It is especia... | 279,223 |
352 | exception_notification (2.6.1) Exception notification by email for Rails apps | 278,960 |
353 | zip (2.0.2) zip is a Ruby library for reading and writing Zip files. Unlike the official rubyzip, zip is comp... | 277,785 |
354 | RubyInline (3.11.3) Inline allows you to write foreign code within your ruby code. It automatically determines if the... | 277,514 |
355 | backports (2.6.4) Essential backports that enable some of the really nice features of ruby 1.8.7, ruby 1.9 an... | 277,141 |
356 | msgpack (0.4.7) MessagePack, a binary-based efficient data interchange format. | 276,258 |
357 | dm-validations (1.2.0) Library for performing validations on DM models and pure Ruby object | 275,015 |
358 | nori (1.1.3) XML to Hash translator | 274,402 |
359 | librex (0.0.68) Rex provides a variety of classes useful for security testing and exploit development. Based on S... | 274,263 |
360 | rails_best_practices (1.11.1) a code metric tool for rails codes, written in Ruby. | 273,896 |
361 | nifty-generators (0.4.6) A collection of useful Rails generator scripts for scaffolding, layout files, authentication, and... | 273,048 |
362 | machinist (2.0) Fixtures aren't fun. Machinist is. | 272,828 |
363 | koala (1.5.0) Koala is a lightweight, flexible Ruby SDK for Facebook. It allows read/write access to the socia... | 272,283 |
364 | dm-timestamps (1.2.0) DataMapper plugin for magical timestamps | 271,544 |
365 | jasmine-core (1.2.0) Test your JavaScript without any framework dependencies, in any environment, and with a nice desc... | 268,093 |
366 | resque-scheduler (2.0.0) Light weight job scheduling on top of Resque. Adds methods enqueue_at/enqueue_in to schedule ... | 266,782 |
367 | memcached (1.4.5) An interface to the libmemcached C client. | 266,763 |
368 | httpauth (0.2.0) Library for the HTTP Authentication protocol (RFC 2617) | 266,623 |
369 | mixlib-shellout (1.1.0) Run external commands on Unix or Windows | 265,118 |
370 | dm-aggregates (1.2.0) DataMapper plugin providing support for aggregates on collections | 264,924 |
371 | parseconfig (1.0.2) ParseConfig provides simple parsing of standard configuration files in the form of 'param = value... | 264,321 |
372 | fuubar (1.0.0) the instafailing RSpec progress bar formatter | 261,165 |
373 | maruku (0.6.1) Maruku is a Markdown interpreter in Ruby. It features native export to HTML and PDF (via Latex).... | 260,729 |
374 | windows-pr (1.2.2) The windows-pr library is a collection of Windows functions and constants pre-defined for... | 260,525 |
375 | mustache (0.99.4) Inspired by ctemplate, Mustache is a framework-agnostic way to render logic-free views. As ctemp... | 260,118 |
376 | rpm_contrib (2.1.11) Community contributed instrumentation for various frameworks based on the New Relic Ruby monitori... | 257,624 |
377 | sunspot_rails (1.3.3) Sunspot::Rails is an extension to the Sunspot library for Solr search. Sunspot::Rails add... | 257,526 |
378 | aaronh-chronic (0.3.9) A natural language date parser with timezone support | 254,815 |
379 | http_connection (1.4.1) HTTP helper library | 254,522 |
380 | sup (0.12.1) Sup is a console-based email client for people with a lot of email. It supports tagging, very fas... | 254,055 |
381 | escape_utils (0.2.4) Faster string escaping routines for your web apps | 253,905 |
382 | stomp (1.2.5) Ruby client for the Stomp messaging protocol. Note that this gem is no longer supported on rubyf... | 253,841 |
383 | flay (1.4.3) Flay analyzes code for structural similarities. Differences in literal values, variable, class, m... | 253,049 |
384 | logging (1.8.0) Logging is a flexible logging library for use in Ruby programs based on the design of Java's log4... | 252,142 |
385 | dm-types (1.2.2) DataMapper plugin providing extra data types | 249,217 |
386 | plucky (0.5.2) Thin layer over the ruby driver that allows you to quickly grab hold of your data (pluck it!). | 247,834 |
387 | ttfunk (1.0.3) Get Ya TrueType Funk On! (Font Metrics Parser for Prawn) | 245,528 |
388 | selenium-client (1.2.18) Official Ruby Client for Selenium RC. | 242,809 |
389 | wasabi (2.5.1) A simple WSDL parser | 242,654 |
390 | rails3-generators (0.17.6) Rails 3 compatible generators for gems that don't have them yet | 242,365 |
391 | searchlogic (2.5.8) Searchlogic makes using ActiveRecord named scopes easier and less repetitive. | 240,188 |
392 | ruby-debug-ide (0.4.16) An interface which glues ruby-debug to IDEs like Eclipse (RDT), NetBeans and RubyMine. | 238,670 |
393 | alpha_omega (1.0.1) Common reciples for persistent capistrano releases | 237,917 |
394 | growl (1.0.3) growlnotify bindings | 237,281 |
395 | vcr (2.2.5) VCR provides a simple API to record and replay your test suite's HTTP interactions. It works wit... | 236,432 |
396 | oa-more (0.3.2) Additional strategies for OmniAuth. | 236,159 |
397 | thrift (0.8.0) Ruby bindings for the Apache Thrift RPC system | 235,827 |
398 | capybara-webkit (0.12.1) Headless Webkit driver for Capybara | 235,496 |
399 | akami (1.2.0) Building Web Service Security | 235,314 |
400 | pr_geohash (1.0.0) GeoHash encode/decode library for pure Ruby. It's implementation of http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki... | 233,452 |
401 | rb-fchange (0.0.6) A Ruby wrapper for Windows Kernel functions for monitoring the specified directory or subtree | 232,118 |
402 | bourbon (2.1.1) The purpose of Bourbon Vanilla Sass Mixins is to provide a comprehensive framework of sass mixins... | 232,014 |
403 | compass-rails (1.0.3) Integrate Compass into Rails 2.3 and up. | 230,842 |
404 | pony (1.4) Send email in one command: Pony.mail(:to => 'someone@example.com', :body => 'hello') | 229,868 |
405 | plist (3.1.0) Plist is a library to manipulate Property List files, also known as plists. It can parse plist f... | 227,801 |
406 | kramdown (0.14.0) kramdown is yet-another-markdown-parser but fast, pure Ruby, using a strict syntax definition and... | 227,483 |
407 | awesome_nested_set (2.1.4) An awesome nested set implementation for Active Record | 227,376 |
408 | main (5.1.0) description: main kicks the ass | 227,171 |
409 | hiredis (0.4.5) Ruby extension that wraps Hiredis (blocking connection and reply parsing) | 227,017 |
410 | icalendar (1.2.0) This is a Ruby library for dealing with iCalendar files. Rather than explaining myself, here is ... | 226,764 |
411 | autotest-rails (4.1.2) This is an autotest plugin to provide rails support. It provides basic rails support and extra pl... | 226,618 |
412 | six-updater (0.22.5) Your summary here | 225,039 |
413 | posix-spawn (0.3.6) posix-spawn uses posix_spawnp(2) for faster process spawning | 224,889 |
414 | bluecloth (2.2.0) BlueCloth is a Ruby implementation of John Gruber's Markdown[http://daringfireball.net/projects/m... | 223,719 |
415 | rake-compiler (0.8.1) Provide a standard and simplified way to build and package Ruby extensions (C, Java) using Rake a... | 223,520 |
416 | activeadmin (0.5.0) The administration framework for Ruby on Rails. | 222,340 |
417 | truncate_html (0.5.5) Truncates html so you don't have to | 221,097 |
418 | jruby-jars (1.6.8) This gem includes the core JRuby code and the JRuby 1.8 stdlib as jar files. It provides a way to... | 220,088 |
419 | little-plugger (1.1.3) LittlePlugger is a module that provides Gem based plugin management. By extending your own class ... | 219,900 |
420 | fb_graph (2.5.0) A full-stack Facebook Graph API wrapper in Ruby. | 219,595 |
421 | em-socksify (0.2.1) EventMachine SOCKSify shim: adds SOCKS support to any protocol | 219,464 |
422 | twitter-bootstrap-rails (2.1.3) twitter-bootstrap-rails project integrates Bootstrap CSS toolkit for Rails 3.1 Asset Pipeline | 217,976 |
423 | progressbar (0.11.0) Ruby/ProgressBar is a text progress bar library for Ruby. It can indicate progress with percentag... | 217,582 |
424 | system_timer (1.2.4) Set a Timeout based on signals, which are more reliable than Timeout. Timeout is based on green t... | 216,905 |
425 | configatron (2.9.1) configatron was developed by: markbates | 216,183 |
426 | spider (0.4.4) A Web spidering library: handles robots.txt, scraping, finding more links, and doing it all over ... | 215,392 |
427 | dm-serializer (1.2.2) DataMapper plugin for serializing Resources and Collections | 215,342 |
428 | pdfkit (0.5.2) Uses wkhtmltopdf to create PDFs using HTML | 215,231 |
429 | rchardet (1.3) Character encoding auto-detection in Ruby. As smart as your browser. Open source. | 214,926 |
430 | rabl (0.7.2) General ruby templating with json, bson, xml and msgpack support | 212,598 |
431 | geocoder (1.1.3) Provides object geocoding (by street or IP address), reverse geocoding (coordinates to street add... | 212,078 |
432 | ruby-graphviz (1.0.8) Ruby/Graphviz provides an interface to layout and generate images of directed graphs in a variety... | 210,139 |
433 | bundle (0.0.1) You really mean `gem install bundler`. It's okay. I'll fix it for you this one last time... | 209,411 |
434 | heroku-api (0.3.5) Ruby Client for the Heroku API | 206,911 |
435 | bitly (0.8.0) Use the bit.ly API to shorten or expand URLs | 206,812 |
436 | jruby-launcher (1.0.15-java) Builds and installs a native launcher for JRuby on your system | 205,697 |
437 | http_router (0.11.0) This library allows you to recognize and build URLs in a Rack application. | 205,261 |
438 | after_commit (1.0.10) A Ruby on Rails plugin to add an after_commit callback. This can be used to trigger methods ... | 204,037 |
439 | foreigner (1.2.1) Adds helpers to migrations and dumps foreign keys to schema.rb | 203,885 |
440 | soap4r (1.5.8) An implementation of SOAP 1.1 for Ruby. | 202,746 |
441 | ffaker (1.15.0) Faster Faker, generates dummy data. | 201,760 |
442 | pickle (0.4.11) Easy model creation and reference in your cucumber features | 201,609 |
443 | refinerycms (2.0.8) A Ruby on Rails CMS that supports Rails 3.2. It's easy to extend and sticks to 'the Rails way' wh... | 201,163 |
444 | prawn-layout (0.8.4) An extension to Prawn that provides table support and other layout functionality | 201,076 |
445 | milia (0.3.30) Transparent Multi-tenanting for hosted Rails 3.1+/Ruby 1.9.2 applications | 200,984 |
446 | arrayfields (4.7.4) arrayfields | 200,429 |
447 | dm-constraints (1.2.0) DataMapper plugin constraining relationships | 200,287 |
448 | scout (5.5.9) Scout makes monitoring and reporting on your web applications as flexible and simple as possible. | 199,855 |
449 | bluepill (0.0.60) Bluepill keeps your daemons up while taking up as little resources as possible. After all you pro... | 199,476 |
450 | facets (2.9.3) Facets is the premier collection of extension methods for the Ruby programming language. Facets e... | 199,170 |
451 | slim (1.3.1) Slim is a template language whose goal is reduce the syntax to the essential parts without becomi... | 198,996 |
452 | prawn-core (0.8.4) Prawn is a fast, tiny, and nimble PDF generator for Ruby | 198,910 |
453 | windows-api (0.4.2) The windows-api library provides features over and above the basic interface provided by ... | 197,139 |
454 | omniauth-oauth (1.0.1) A generic OAuth (1.0/1.0a) strategy for OmniAuth. | 196,831 |
455 | active_utils (1.0.5) Common utils used by active_merchant, active_fulfillment, and active_shipping | 196,230 |
456 | attribute-kit (0.2.0) Tools for attribute tracking like Hashes with dirty tracking and events, for building hybrid mode... | 196,227 |
457 | mini_exiftool (1.6.0) This library is wrapper for the Exiftool command-line application (http://www.sno.phy.queensu.ca/... | 195,353 |
458 | jruby-rack (1.1.10) JRuby-Rack is a combined Java and Ruby library that adapts the Java Servlet API to Rack. For JRub... | 194,083 |
459 | routing-filter (0.3.1) Routing filters wraps around the complex beast that the Rails routing system is, allowing for uns... | 192,648 |
460 | flexmock (1.0.3) FlexMock is a extremely simple mock object class compatible with the Test::Unit fram... | 190,520 |
461 | color (1.4.1) The capabilities of the Color library are limited to pure mathematical manipulation of the colour... | 188,576 |
462 | vj-sdk (0.7.14) Videojuicer core-sdk | 188,267 |
463 | grit (2.5.0) Grit is a Ruby library for extracting information from a git repository in an object oriented man... | 186,424 |
464 | parallel_tests (0.8.12) Run Test::Unit / RSpec / Cucumber in parallel | 186,086 |
465 | temple (0.5.3) Template compilation framework in Ruby | 186,082 |
466 | win32-process (0.7.0) The win32-process library implements several Process methods that are either unimplemente... | 183,996 |
467 | omniauth-twitter (0.0.13) OmniAuth strategy for Twitter | 183,463 |
468 | reek (1.2.12) Reek is a tool that examines Ruby classes, modules and methods and reports any code smells it fin... | 182,305 |
469 | recaptcha (0.3.4) This plugin adds helpers for the reCAPTCHA API | 182,225 |
470 | exceptional (2.0.32) Exceptional is the Ruby gem for communicating with http://getexceptional.com (hosted error tracki... | 181,051 |
471 | watchr (0.7) Modern continious testing (flexible alternative to autotest). | 180,702 |
472 | activerecord-jdbcmysql-adapter (1.2.2) Install this gem to use MySQL with JRuby on Rails. | 178,736 |
473 | settingslogic (2.0.8) A simple and straightforward settings solution that uses an ERB enabled YAML file and a singleton... | 178,089 |
474 | dm-transactions (1.2.0) Makes transaction support available for adapters that support them | 177,184 |
475 | autotest-growl (0.2.16) This gem aims to improve support for Growl notifications by autotest. | 177,135 |
476 | activerecord-sqlserver-adapter (3.2.9) SQL Server 2005 and 2008 Adapter For ActiveRecord | 174,804 |
477 | viewcumber (0.3.1) Cucumber formatter for easily viewing each step of your scenarios | 174,577 |
478 | ghostplus (0.0.1) Allows you to create, list, and modify local hostnames | 173,061 |
479 | tmail ( TMail is a Ruby-based mail handler. It allows you to compose stadards compliant emails in a very ... | 172,411 |
480 | roodi (2.1.0) Roodi stands for Ruby Object Oriented Design Inferometer. It parses your Ruby code and warns you... | 172,380 |
481 | SyslogLogger (1.4.1) SyslogLogger is a Logger replacement that logs to syslog. It is almost drop-in with a few differ... | 171,886 |
482 | jenkins (0.6.8) A suite of utilities for bringing continous integration to your projects (not the other way aroun... | 171,570 |
483 | prawn-security (0.8.4) Prawn/Security adds document encryption, password protection, and permissions to Prawn. | 170,816 |
484 | scale_down (0.7.3) A Sinatra based server for quickly scaling and serving images. Nothing more. | 170,445 |
485 | client_side_validations (3.1.4) Client Side Validations | 170,001 |
486 | yamler (0.1.0) yamler was developed by: markbates | 169,260 |
487 | padrino-core (0.10.7) The Padrino core gem required for use of this framework | 169,259 |
488 | declarative_authorization (0.5.6) declarative_authorization is a Rails plugin for maintainable authorization based on readable auth... | 168,467 |
489 | http_configuration (1.0.4) Gem that provides the ability to set defaults for proxies and timeouts for Net::HTTP. Simplifies ... | 168,374 |
490 | remotipart (1.0.2) Remotipart is a Ruby on Rails gem enabling remote multipart forms (AJAX style file uploads) with ... | 168,060 |
491 | ntlm-http (0.1.1) Ruby/NTLM HTTP provides NTLM authentication over http. | 167,913 |
492 | vagrant (1.0.5) Vagrant is a tool for building and distributing virtualized development environments. | 167,895 |
493 | routo (0.0.4) Sending sms with Routo Messaging HTTP API. | 167,665 |
494 | globalize3 (0.2.0) Rails I18n: de-facto standard library for ActiveRecord 3 model/data translation. | 167,405 |
495 | guard-cucumber (1.2.0) Guard::Cucumber automatically run your features (much like autotest) | 167,341 |
496 | churn (0.0.24) High method and class churn has been shown to have increased bug and error rates. This gem helps ... | 167,211 |
497 | do_mysql (0.10.8) Implements the DataObjects API for MySQL | 166,962 |
498 | garb (0.9.1) Google Analytics API Ruby Wrapper | 166,659 |
499 | rush (0.6.8) A Ruby replacement for bash+ssh, providing both an interactive shell and a library. Manage both ... | 166,575 |
500 | directory_watcher (1.4.1) The directory watcher operates by scanning a directory at some interval and generating a list of ... | 166,312 |
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Top 500 Ruby Gems on RubyGems.org
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