Saturday, October 29, 2011

Allow uploading large files on IIS 7.0

Solve the Uploadify IO Error.

In IIS 7.0, the default upload limit is 30M.


<requestFiltering >
<requestLimits maxAllowedContentLength="1073741824" ></requestLimits>

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Configure IIS 7.0 for Restful web application

When deploys a Restful web application to IIS 7.0 on Windows server 2008, it would certainly returns 404 when trying to access any restful service in the application.

This is because by default the restful request is handled by "StaticFile" handler in IIS.

The quickest way to solve the problem is change the settings in "StaticFile". (Screenshot #1)
- Select the "Executable" be "...\v4.0...\aspnet_isapi.dll"
- Un-check the "Check if file exists" option.

In addtion to that, make sure the application is running on v4.0 classic (Screenshot #3) or you may see a log in Screenshot #2